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Carden Connect is the creation of a Method cultivated from over 40 years of my personal experience and practice in fitness and spirituality that is as unique as it is life changing. We have the power through Pilates to completely transform our lives. Not by exercising as we presently view it, but by using the movement of Pilates as a vehicle for self-discovery. New scientific discoveries are revealing a new/old understanding of humanity and the world that outdates much of what we learned growing up and what we are still believing about ourselves and the world. Wisdom traditions that go back hundreds, thousands, even millions of years tell of these Truths but they are just now being understood and authenticated by new discoveries and new technology pointing to a whole new picture of who we are, where we came from and the nature of the Universe. 

 It is only in the last few years that Science acknowledged a field of energy that is only ONE field of energy of which everything is a part and from which all the physical world emerges.  Therefore, the belief that our muscular system is separate from our mind (thoughts) is antiquated and so is the idea that contracting our muscles is the source of our strength.  Resistance as a necessary factor in developing muscular strength is now an outdated paradigm.  What emerges from the oneness of mindbodyspirit is that all is one energy field expressing at different levels of vibration. It is our THOUGHT energy that governs our body energy. Now we can better understand the Source and power of our thoughts as the creative energy of our bodies and our lives. It is this movement practice METHOD that allows us to become aware of our limiting thoughts and muscular tension so we may open to higher thoughts for amazing possibilities. Interestingly, this is at the heart of Joseph Pilates’ well known quote: “Pilates results in gaining mastery of your mind over complete control of your body.”

 Carden Connect reveals a METHOD, a PRACTICE that is essential for all of us to open to a different relationship about our musculature and exercise in general. It is time to shift the nature of the movement from antiquated concepts to new ones that reflect the Truth of us as human beings.  This in incredibly exciting! This METHOD will allow you to reframe how you view exercise, without effort or struggle and actually enjoy the time with yourself as you discover your places of tension. Then with a new lens of awareness you can let go of limitations in your movement, let go of pain and discomfort, and return to harmony in your body easily and effortlessly and most profoundly… quickly!

 This is not about some magic potion, product or gimmick! We can heal, not by giving our power away - but by connecting to our own power within, the power of who we already ARE. We have an amazing opportunity through this METHOD to use the power of Pilates as a transformational vehicle unlike any other when we come to understand the real power behind the practice. This is what this METHOD is all about. I am truly excited to share the nature of this power, this practice, and this process of transformation with you!


My name is Linda Carden and I have created and continue to create this Method of transformation…

For as long as I can remember, I have had a love for the beauty and possibility of the human body. Athletic as a child, movement was joyous and I knew that I would one day choose a career path relating to health and healing. However, in my early twenties, I was diagnosed with two bulging discs in my lower back that were a source of chronic pain and disability. My life path seemed quite uncertain. Fitness was a priority as a possible source in relieving this condition, however, after many years of traditional workout routines I did not find significant relief. My search directed me down a spiritual path seeing Deepak on Oprah and reading Ageless Body Timeless Mind.  This was the beginning of an understanding that fitness and spirituality are not separate paths.

The years that followed certainly brought many challenges. The roller coaster of my spiritual journey kept me quite often in disconnect with worry, fear and anxiety.  Thankfully my spiritual conviction was strong enough to keep me looking for the silver lining. As such, my Pilates Studio was beginning to flourish with a growing clientele, but mostly I was growing in passion for Pilates and how it was able to transform my clients, most who were between the ages of 50 and 92.  I wanted to share this wonderful practice with others to show what was possible for them, to heal and be healthy and happy in their bodies and hence their lives. Carden Connect is the vehicle to share my journey so you, too, can transform your life. We have the power to change anything in our lives when we learn to connect to that beautiful quiet within…our own energy that is available to each and every one of us! I believe the more people I inspire to come on board this journey of movement awareness, the faster we expidite the process of becoming magnificent expressions of divinity. Experiencing greater and greater possibilities of our divine mindbody, manifesting our deepest desires for a divine life of beauty, joy, love, peace - this is our power. This is what I wish for YOU… and all humanity!
